About Malinois K9 Association
Welcome to the Belgian Malinois family!We are an organization of passionate K9 trainers,
If you are in anyway involved with the breed and would like to be a part of our community, click below for more information.
Who We Are

Dog Trainers
Experienced dog trainers and handlers that specialize in the Belgian Malinois.
Malinois Breeders
Reputable Belgian Malinois breeders who care for the long-term health and performance of the breed…

Search and Rescue
Volunteers and leaders at local SAR organizations…

Events and Seminars
Authors, speakers and coaches for K9 trainers… Attend our local events to learn how to better care for your Belgian Malinois…
Become A K9 Handler
LEARN THE INS AND OUTS OF DOG TRAININGWorking with dogs is very rewarding but at the same time challenging.